Guess Paper Computer Science X-Class
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. How many steps to solve any kind of problems?
2. In problem solving the process to create a program is called
(a) program testing (b) Problem solving
(c) Program preparation (d) None of above
3. The symbolic sequence is called
(a) Problem solving (b) Coding
(c) Flow charting (d) Debugging
4. Writing a program in any programming language is called
(a) Coding (b) Programming
(c) Language (d) None of above
5. A Symbol used in flow charts of decision making is
(a) Diamond (b) Flow lines
(c) Oval (d) Parallelogram
6. The conversion of an algorithm to the program return in any programming language is called
(a) Debugging (b) Logical error
7. How many possible solutions are there for a problem?
8. Typographical errors in BASIC statement are
(a) Syntax errors (b) Logical errors
(c) Runtime error (d) Not an error
(a) Syntax error (b) Logical error
(c) Runtime error (d) Not an error
10. The technique ‘Divide and Conquer’ is used to solve
(a) Simple problem (b) Complex problems
(c) Large problems (d) Complex & large problems
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
I. Define problem solving?
II. What is problem identification?
III. What is top down design or divide and conquer rule?
IV. What is desk checking?
V. What are the limitations of a flow chart?
VI. What are the advantages of a flowchart ?
VII. Write down the three guidelines to draw a flowchart?
X. What is a testing process?
XIII. What is a syntax error?
XIV. What is a logical error?
XV. How many steps computer algorithm perform?
XVI. What is an implementation?
XVII. What is an algorithm?
XVIII. What is meant by documentation?
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: What is a flow chart? Explain its different symbols.
Q4: What do you mean by problem solving ? Briefly describe any two problem solving process.
Q5: What is debugging? How many types of errors occur in a program describe briefly?
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. Basic characters set consists of
(a) Alphabetic (b) Numeric
(c) Special characters (d) all the above
2. Which of these command is used to delete one or more lines in program?
3. Which statement is used to print? by printer in a program?
4. GW-BASIC commands are executed instructions which are operated in
(a) Indirect mode (b) Direct mode
(c) In general mode (d) None of above
5. Which statement causes the DATA statement to be reused by read statement?
6. The symbol $ is used in BASIC for
(a) Integer variable (b) String variable
(c) Alpha number (d) Single precision variable
7. Which command is used to delete program lines or line of ranges of a loaded program?
8. AND, OR & NOT are____________operators.
(a) Relational operator (b) Logical operator
(c) Mathematical operator (d) Functional operator
9. Which command automatically generates line numbers in an increasing order?
10. If two or more statements are written on a line, they must be separated by a
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
I. What is BASIC language?
II. What is meant by executing a program?
III. What is difference between direct and indirect mode?
IV. What is the procedure of loading a saved file in GW-BASIC?
V. What is meant by character set of a language?
VII. What are type declaration characters?
VIII. What is a String variable?
IX. What are the constants? Name its types.
X. Define single precision constants?
XI. What is a string constant?
XII. What is meant by string concatenation?
XIII. What are Operators?
XIV. What is a relational expression?
XV. What is a LET statement?
XVI. What is the uses of Restore statement?
XVII. What is the function of the print statement?
XVIII. What is print using statement?
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: (a) What are type declaration characters? Explain their uses with examples.
(b) Write the purpose of the function keys i.e, from F1 to F9 in GW-BASIC.
Q4: (a) Differentiate variable and constant.
(b) Write a program to calculate and print the sum and average of three numbers using LET statement.
Q5: Briefly describe the use of arithmetic, logical and relational operator.
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. In which loop, set of statements run again and again
2. Statement used to transfer the control of program without any condition is called.
3. In Basic how many types of control structures are present.
4. To specify two different alternatives with IF statement the key word is used
5. Decision making statement is
(c) IF ELSE (d) Then Else
6. The ERR and ERL are words each other
7. Which of the following cannot be used to exit from an error handling routine.
8. Which one is a multiple branching statement?
(c) ON….GOTO (d) ON ERROR GOTO line no.
9. If the integer value of the numeric expression following the keyword ON, in ON….GOTO statement, is greater than 255, which type of error occurs?
(a) Syntax error (b) Logical error
(c) Runtime error (d) Its not an error
10. FOR …NEXT is used to implement.
(a) Iteration (b) Selection
(c) Sequence (d) All of above
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
I. Define control structure.
II. How many types of control structure are there? list down their names?
III. What do you mean by transfer of control?
IV. What is the GOTO statement?
V. What is ON…… GOTO statement?
VI. What is ON ERROR GOTO statement?
VII. What is the purpose of ERR and ERL variables?
VIII. What is Resume statement?
IX. What is IF……THEN statement?
X. What is IF…. THEN –Else statement?
XII. What is For …..NEXT loop
XIII. What is WHILE …WEND Loop
XIV. What is a nested loop?
XV. What are control variables?
XVI. What is meant by outer and inner loop used in nested loop?
XVII. What is difference between IF THEN & On GOTO statement.
XVIII. What is difference between GOTO & ON GOTO statement
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Describe the ON ERROR GOTO statement with an example.
Q4: Define control structures. How many control structures are available in BASIC, discuss briefly.
Q5: (a) Write a program to find the larger of two numbers. The program should get the number from the user.
(b) Write a program to print first ten odd numbers using WHILE…WEND loop.
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. During program execution ‘a’ is used following the array name designate a specific array element.
(a) Subscript (b) Superscript
(c) Sorting script (d) Searching script
2. Dimension statement uses the keyword
(c) Array (d) None of above
3. Subscript can be expression
(a) Alphabetic (b) Alphanumeric
(c) Numeric (d) None of above
4. The process of arranging the item in an array into a specified order in known as
a) Subscript (b) Superscript
(c) Sorting script (d) Searching script
5. An element of an array is mentioned by its
(a) Superscript (b) Subscript
6. How many kinds of an array are there?
7. The two dimensional array is called
8. Maximum number of elements per dimension is
(c) 32767 (d) None of them
9. The doubly subscripted variable p (3,2) specifies the data element present in
(a) Column 3 and Row 2 (b) Column 3 and Row 2
(c) Column 2 and Row 3 (d) Row 3 and Row 2
10. The statement DIM C (30,50) would reserves.
(a) 80 Locations (b) 1500 Locations
(c) 1800 Locations (d) 150 Locations
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
III. How many types of Subscripted variables are there?
IV. Write down all essential rules for a subscripted variable?
V. Why an array is called subscripted variable?
VI. What is the reason to use an array?
VII. What are advantages to use arrays?
VIII. What is one dimensional array?
IX. What is two dimensional array?
X. How is element of two dimensional array accessed?
XI. How is the array declared?
XII. What is meant by filling of an array?
XIII. What is meant by printing of an array?
XIV. What is an array Manipulation?
XV. What is meant by DIM statement?
XVI. What is meant by subscript out of range error message?
XVII. What is the maximum number of dimensions for an array?
XVIII. Which information is consider while applying subscript in a program?
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: (a) Write down all essential rules for subscripted variable.
(b) What is the reason to use an array?
Q4: (a) Differentiate between simple and subscripted variable.
(b) Write a program that read an array N with 20 number and find the product of the elements of array.
Q5: How would you fill and print an array?
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. The Square root of positive number is determined by the function of
2. General function of CHR$ is written as
(c) CHR $ (n) (d) None of the above
3. Which function is used to round the speaker at 800 Hz for one fourth of a second?
4. Which function is used to convert an ASCII code value to its equivalent character.
5. Which function is used to return the specified right most characters of the string x $
6. Which function is used to return a string of x spaces
7. Print FIX (-7.09) = ____________
20 = Print SIN (PI * 30 / 130)
9. LEFT$ ( “Pakistaan”,3 ) = ________________
10. The….. function is used to convert ASCII code value to its character equivalent.
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
I. What is a subprogram or module?
III. What are arguments or parameters ?
IV. What do you know about structured programming?
V. What is unstructured programming?
VI. What is the function of system defined function?
VII. What is the purpose of system defined function?
VIII. How is DEF statement different from GOTO statement?
IX. Write a program that changes temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit.
XI. Describe the use of GOSUB & Return statement?
XIII. What is meant by character?
XIV. What are data fields?
XVI. What are program files?
XVII. What are data files?
XVIII. What is meant by buffer?
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Briefly describe the opening modes in GW. BASIC.
Q4: Describe the use of GOSUB…..RETURN statement.
Q5: (a) Write a program to get full name of any person and return the number of characters in his first name
(b) Write a program that print ASCII characters from 1 to 255.
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
II. Difference between Medium resolution graphics and high resolution graphics.
III. What is a resolution?
VI. What is a screen statement?
VII. What is Color statement?
VIII. What is Line statement?
IX. What is P SET statement?
X. What is a CIRCLE statement ?
XI. What is DRAW statement?
Write a program to show the following output.
XIII. Write a program to show the triangle.
XIV. Write a program to show the star?
XV. Write a program to produce the 5 concentric circles.
XVI. Write a program to draw a Circle.
Write a program to produce the following output.
XVIII. Write a program to draw a three squares using line statement.
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Briefly describe the screen modes?
Q4: Briefly describe the DRAW statement.
Q5: (a) Write a program to draw a star.
(b) Write a program to draw a Parallelogram by using DRAW statement.
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. Graphics is an art to design and produce pictorial representation of
(c) resolution (d) colour
2. How main types of resolution are there?
3. SCREEN 1 divides the screen into pixels
(a) 200 ´ 200 (b) 320´ 320
(c) 200 ´ 320 (d) 200 ´ 640
4. Each specific screen quadrant is known as
(c) line (d) none of above
5. In medium resolution graphics mode the display screen is divided into pixels
(a) 320 ´ 200 (b) 320´ 320
(c) 200 ´ 640 (d) 320 ´ 640
6. Colour code of Magenta is:-
7. Which statement is used to draw lines?
8. Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC?
9. The CIRCLE statement can also be used to draw a/an:
10. In medium resolution screen mode colours for foreground are:
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
- I. Define graphics.
- II. Difference between Medium resolution graphics and high resolution graphics.
- III. What is a resolution?
- IV. What is a pixel?
- V. What is a palette?
- VI. What is a screen statement?
- VII. What is Color statement?
- VIII. What is Line statement?
- IX. What is P SET statement?
- X. What is a CIRCLE statement ?
- XI. What is DRAW statement
Write a program to show the following output.
XIII. Write a program to show the triangle.
XIV. Write a program to show the star?
XV. Write a program to produce the 5 concentric circles.
XVI. Write a program to draw a Circle.
Write a program to produce the following output.
XVIII. Write a program to draw a three squares using line statement.
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Briefly describe the screen modes?
Q4: Briefly describe the DRAW statement.
Q5: (a) Write a program to draw a star.
(b) Write a program to draw a Parallelogram by using DRAW statement.
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
II. Difference between Medium resolution graphics and high resolution graphics.
III. What is a resolution?
VI. What is a screen statement?
VII. What is Color statement?
VIII. What is Line statement?
IX. What is P SET statement?
X. What is a CIRCLE statement ?
XI. What is DRAW statement?
Write a program to show the following output.
XIII. Write a program to show the triangle.
XIV. Write a program to show the star?
XV. Write a program to produce the 5 concentric circles.
XVI. Write a program to draw a Circle.
Write a program to produce the following output.
XVIII. Write a program to draw a three squares using line statement.
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Briefly describe the screen modes?
Q4: Briefly describe the DRAW statement.
Q5: (a) Write a program to draw a star.
(b) Write a program to draw a Parallelogram by using DRAW statement.
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. Graphics is an art to design and produce pictorial representation of
(c) resolution (d) colour
2. How main types of resolution are there?
3. SCREEN 1 divides the screen into pixels
(a) 200 ´ 200 (b) 320´ 320
(c) 200 ´ 320 (d) 200 ´ 640
4. Each specific screen quadrant is known as
(c) line (d) none of above
5. In medium resolution graphics mode the display screen is divided into pixels
(a) 320 ´ 200 (b) 320´ 320
(c) 200 ´ 640 (d) 320 ´ 640
6. Colour code of Magenta is:-
7. Which statement is used to draw lines?
8. Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC?
9. The CIRCLE statement can also be used to draw a/an:
10. In medium resolution screen mode colours for foreground are:
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
II. Difference between Medium resolution graphics and high resolution graphics.
III. What is a resolution?
VI. What is a screen statement?
VII. What is Color statement?
VIII. What is Line statement?
IX. What is P SET statement?
X. What is a CIRCLE statement ?
XI. What is DRAW statement?
Write a program to show the following output.
XIII. Write a program to show the triangle.
XIV. Write a program to show the star?
XV. Write a program to produce the 5 concentric circles.
XVI. Write a program to draw a Circle.
Write a program to produce the following output.
XVIII. Write a program to draw a three squares using line statement.
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: Briefly describe the screen modes?
Q4: Briefly describe the DRAW statement.
Q5: (a) Write a program to draw a star.
(b) Write a program to draw a Parallelogram by using DRAW statement.
Q1: Four choices are given against each statement. Tick ( Ö )the correct one in each case.
1. In the document window the bars are used to move up and down, right and left
(a) Scroll bars (b) Tool bars
(c) Title bar (d) Status bar
2. Which shortcut key is pressed to copy text?
(a) Ctrl + C (b) Ctrl + A
(c) Ctrl + V (d) Ctrl + X
3. Which short cut key we use to underline?
(c) Ctrl + B (d) Ctrl + U
4. Which shortcut key is used to paste the text?
(c) Ctrl + P (d) Ctrl + V
5. MS Word is a _____________ based program.
6. Which of the following is used to select the paragraph?
(a) Single-click (b) Double-click
(c) Right-click (d) None of them
7. Which of the following bars provide the information about application software?
(a) Menu bar (b) Tool bar
(c) Title bar (d) Scroll bar
8. Press Ctrl + 2 keys for _____________ spacing.
(c) Triple (d) None of them
9. Ctrl + Y is used for:-
10. Which keyboard shortcut is used to make the selected word bold?
(a) Ctrl + Shift + B (b) Shift + B
Q2: Write short answers of any twelve ( 12 ) questions. [ 2 ´ 12 = 24 ]
I. What is Microsoft Word?
II. What is the Title Bar?
IV. What is the use of Scroll Bar?
V. What is the use of ruler?
VI. What is meant by Drop Cap?
VII. What is document window?
VIII. What is undo command?
XI. Write shortcut key to save a document.
XII. Write few features of MS-Word?
XIII. How text is moved in MS. Word.
XIV. How would you set 1.5 line spacing ?
XV. How can we Create & Edit Document?
XVI. What is Spell Checker and Grammar?
XVII. How can we print Document?
XVIII. What is Redo command?
Note: Attempt any TWO of the following questions. [ 8 ´ 2 = 16 ]
Q3: (a) What is meant by Title and Menu bar?
(b) What is meant by formatting a document?
Q4: Define the different views of the document.
Q5: Differentiate between Alignment and Indent in MS. Word.